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作者:         发布日期:2024-06-07     浏览次数:



一. 基本信息





2021年10月至今在西北农林科技大学best365英国体育在线工作,国际SCI期刊 Frontiers in Physics 编辑部成员(中科院3区)。为 Nature Communications、PLoS Computational Biology、Journal of the Royal Society Interface、Proceedings of the Royal Society A、World Development等多个学术期刊审稿。

二. 研究领域






[1] 2024-01—2026-12 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,主持

[2] 2023-01—2024-12 陕西省自然科学基金,青年项目,主持

[3] 2023-01—2024-12 陕西省教育厅,主持

[4] 2022-01—2022-12基本科研业务(数理)专项,主持

[5] 2022-02—2025-02 西北农林科技大学博士科研启动费,主持

[6] 2023-11—2026-12 科技部项目-国家重点研发计划,参与

[7] 2021-01—2025-12 国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,参与

[8] 2021-01—2023-12 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,参与

[9] 2021-01—2023-12 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,参与


目前,以第一或者通讯作者身份在 eLife  、  Proc  eedings   of the Royal Society B 等期刊发表学术论文30篇,其中中科院一区期刊论文十余篇,ESI高被引论文1篇。

[1] Lichen Wang, Yuyuan Liu, Ruqaing Guo, Liang Zhang, Linjie Liu*, Shijia Hua* (2024) The paradigm of taxreward and tax-punishment strategies in the advancement of public resource management dynamics.  Proc  eedings   of the Royal Society B:   Biological Sciences  20240182. (自然指数期刊、中科院一区)

[2] Linjie Liu, Xiaojie Chen (2024) Evolutionary dynamics of pre-guidance strategies in population games.  IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems.

[3] Shijia Hua, Mingquan Xu, Linjie Liu*, Xiaojie Chen* (2024). Coevolutionary dynamics of collective cooperation and dilemma strength in a collective-risk game.  Physical Review Research .

[4] Linjie Liu, Xiaojie Chen, Attila Szolnoki (2023) Coevolutionary dynamics via adaptive feedback in collective-risk social dilemma game.  eLife , 12, e82954. (自然指数期刊、中科院一区) 

[5] Shijia Hua, Zitong Hui, Linjie Liu* (2023) Evolution of conditional cooperation in collective-risk social dilemma with repeated group interactions.  Proc  eedings   of the Royal Society B:   Biological Sciences  290, 20230949.(自然指数期刊、中科院一区)

[6] Shijia Hua, Linjie Liu* (2023) Coevolutionary dynamics of population and institutional rewards in public goods games.  Expert Systems With Applications , 237, 121579.(中科院一区)

[7] Shijia Hua, Linjie Liu* (2023) Facilitating the evolution of cooperation through altruistic punishment with adaptive feedback.  Chaos, Solitons & Fractals , 173, 113669.(中科院一区)

[8] Liu Linjie, Chen Xiaojie (2022) Conditional investment strategy in evolutionary trust games with repeated group interactions.  Information Sciences , 609, 1694-1705. (中科院一区)

[9] Liu Linjie, Chen Xiaojie. (2020) Evolutionary game dynamics in multiagent systems with prosocial and antisocial exclusion strategies.  Knowledge-Based Systems , 188, 104835. (中科院一区)

[10] Liu Linjie, Chen Xiaojie, Szolnoki Attila (2019) Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation in a population with probabilistic corrupt enforcers and violators.  Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences , 29 (11), 2127-2149. (ESI高被引论文,中科院一区)

[11] Hua Shijia, Liu Linjie* (2023). Governance of risky public goods under the threat of ostracism.  Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena , 454, 133836.

[12] Liu Linjie, Chen Xiaojie, Szolnoki Attila (2022) Early exclusion leads to cyclical cooperation in repeated group interactions.  Journal of the Royal Society Interface , 19, 20210755.

[13] Liu Linjie, Chen Xiaojie, Perc Matjaž (2019) Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation in the public goods game with pool exclusion strategies.  Nonlinear Dynamics , 97 (1), 749-766.

[14] Liu Linjie, Wang Shengxian, Chen Xiaojie, Perc Matjaž (2018) Evolutionary dynamics in the public goods games with switching between punishment and exclusion.  Chaos , 28 (10), 103105.

[15] Liu Linjie, Chen Xiaojie (2022) Indirect exclusion can promote cooperation in repeated group interactions.  Proceedings   o  f the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences , 478(2263), 20220290.

[16] Liu Linjie, Chen Xiaojie (2021) Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation in a corruption society with anti-corruption control.  International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos , 31, 2150039.

[17] Lichen Wang, Yuyuan Liu, Ruqaing Guo, Liang Zhang, Linjie Liu*, Shijia Hua* (2024) Cooperation and resource sustainability in coupling social-ecological systems with dynamic growth rates.  Chaos, Solitons & Fractals , 182, 114859(中科院一区)

[18] Liu Linjie, Chen Xiaojie (2022) Effects of interconnections among corruption, institutional punishment, and economic factors on the evolution of cooperation.  Applied Mathematics and Computation , 425, 127069 .

[19] Ruqiang Guo, Linjie Liu*, Yuyuan Liu, Liang Zhang* (2023). Evolution of trust in a hierarchical population with different investors based on investment behavioral theory.  Chaos, Solitons & Fractals , 173, 114078. (中科院一区)

[20] Zishuai Zhu, Xiaohe Wang, Linjie Liu*, Shijia Hua * (2023). Green sensitivity in supply chain management: An evolutionary game theory approach.  Chaos, Solitons & Fractals , 173, 113595. (中科院一区)

[21] Liu Linjie, Chen Xiaojie (2018) Evolution of public cooperation in a risky society with heterogeneous assets.  Frontiers in Physics , 5, 67.

[22] Liu Linjie, Chen Xiaojie, Szolnoki Attila (2017) Competitions between prosocial exclusions and punishments in finite populations.  Scientific Reports , 7, 46634.

[23] Ruqaing Guo, Linjie Liu*, Yuyuan Liu, Liang Zhang * (2024) Evolution of trust in the N-player trust game with the margin system.  Applied Mathematics and Computation , 473: 128649.

[24] Zhao Kelei#, Liu Linjie#, Chen Xiaojie, et al. (2019) Behavioral heterogeneity in quorum sensing can stabilize social cooperation in microbial populations.  BMC Biology , 17 (1), 20 (#表示Zhao和Liu为共同第一作者) (中科院一区).

[25] Sun Weiwei#, Liu Linjie#, Chen Xiaojie, Szolnoki Attila, V. Vasconcelos Vitor. (2021) Combination of institutional incentives for cooperative governance of risky commons.  iScience , 24(8), 102844 (#表示Sun和Liu为共同第一作者)

[26] Wang Shengxian#, Liu Linjie#, Chen Xiaojie (2022) Incentive strategies for the evolution of cooperation: analysis and optimization.  EPL , 136(6), 68002 ( #表示Wang和Liu为共同第一作者) 

[27] Liu Linjie, Chen Xiaojie (2020). The Evolution of Cooperation and Reward in a Corrupt Environment.  International Federation of Automatic Control , 53(2), 16938-16945.  

[28] Shijia Hua, Mingquan Xu, Linjie Liu* (2024) Evolution of cooperation in structured populations through pool exclusion strategy [100]. In 2024 43rd Chinese Control Conference (CCC).

[29] Liu Linjie, Chen Xiaojie, Wang Shengxian (2017) A switching strategy between costly punishment and exclusion for the evolution of cooperation.   2017 Chinese Automation Congress   (CAC  ) , pp.3961–3966. 

[30] Liu Linjie, Chen Xiaojie, Wang Shengxian (2017) Competitions between social exclusions and rewards in the optional public goods game.  In 2017 36th Chinese Control Conference (CCC) , pp.11301–11307.




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