以第一作者及共同一作在 Joule ( Cell 姊妹刊,比肩 Nature Energy 的国际能源顶刊,影响因子46.048,该论文入选 Joule 编辑部评审的2021年度最具影响力的TOP10优秀文章), Energy & Environmental Science , Nature Communications , Materials Today , Nano Energy 等期刊上发表多篇高质量的研究成果。
1. Wang, Z., Liu, W*., He, W., Guo, H., Long, L., Xi, Y., Wang, X., Liu, A*. and Hu, C*. (2021). Ultrahigh Electricity Generation from Low-Frequency Mechanical Energy by Efficient Energy Management. Joule 5 , 441-455 . (Cell姊妹刊,高被引,IF="46.048)
2. Wang, Z., Tang, Q., Shan, C., Du, Y., He, W., Fu, S., Li, G., Liu, A., Liu, W*. and Hu, C*. (2021). Giant performance improvement of triboelectric nanogenerator systems achieved by matched inductor design. Energy & Environmental Science 14 , 6627-6637 .(中科院TOP 1 区,IF="39.15)
3. Wang, Z., Yang, Q., Liu, W., Ran, H., Zhang, C*., Han, X., He, X., Wang, X. and Hu, C*. (2019). Optical porous hollow-boxes assembled by SrSO4/TiO2/Pt nanoparticles for high performance of photocatalytic H2 evolution. Nano Energy 59 , 129-137 .(中科院TOP 1区,IF="17.6)
4. Wang, Z., Liu, W., Hu, J., He, W., Yang, H., Ling, C., Xi, Y., Wang, X., Liu, A. and Hu, C*. (2020). Two voltages in contact-separation triboelectric nanogenerator: From asymmetry to symmetry for maximum output. Nano Energy 69 .
5. Liu, W., Wang, Z., Wang, G., Zeng, Q., He, W., Liu, L., Wang, X., Xi, Y., Guo, H., Hu, C*. and Wang, Z. L*. (2020). Switched-capacitor-convertors based on fractal design for output power management of triboelectric nanogenerator. Nature Communications 11 . (高被引,共同一作,IF="17.763)
6. Liu, W., Wang, Z. and Hu, C*. (2021). Advanced designs for output improvement of triboelectric nanogenerator system. Materials Today 45 , 93-119 . (中科院TOP 1 区,共同一作, IF="39.15)
7. Liu, W., Wang, Z., Wang, G., Liu, G., Chen, J., Pu, X., Xi, Y., Wang, X., Guo, H., Hu, C*. and Wang, Z. L*. (2019). Integrated charge excitation triboelectric nanogenerator. Nature Communications 10 . 高被引
8. He, W., Liu, W., Chen, J., Wang, Z., Liu, Y., Pu, X., Yang, H., Tang, Q., Yang, H., Guo, H*. and Hu, C*. (2020). Boosting output performance of sliding mode triboelectric nanogenerator by charge space-accumulation effect (vol 11, 4277, 2020). Nature Communications 11 . 高被引
9. Liu, Y., Liu, W., Wang, Z., He, W., Tang, Q., Xi, Y., Wang, X., Guo, H*. and Hu, C*. (2020). Quantifying contact status and the air-breakdown model of charge-excitation triboelectric nanogenerators to maximize charge density. Nature Communications 11 . 高被引
10. Long, L., Liu, W*., Wang, Z., He, W., Li, G., Tang, Q., Guo, H., Pu, X., Liu, Y. and Hu, C*. (2021). High performance floating self-excited sliding triboelectric nanogenerator for micro mechanical energy harvesting. Nature Communications 12 . 高被引
11. Guan, Y., Ji, P., Wan, J., Zhang, D., Wang, Z., Tian, H., Hu, C., Hu, B., Tang, Q. and Xi, Y*. (2020). Ag-modified Fe2O3 nanoparticles on a carbon cloth as an anode material for high-performance supercapacitors. Nanotechnology 31 .
12. Ran, H., Lu, J., Wang, Z., Wang, C., Li, J., Zhang, C., Wang, X., He, X. and Hu, C*. (2020). Two-dimensional Bi2O2CO3/delta-Bi2O3/Ag2O heterojunction for high performance of photocatalytic activity. Applied Surface Science 525 .
13. Li, G., Liu, G., He, W., Long, L., Li, B., Wang, Z., Tang, Q., Liu, W. and Hu, C*. (2021). Miura folding based charge-excitation triboelectric nanogenerator for potable power supply. Nano Research 14 , 4204-4210 .
14. Shan, C., Liu, W., Wang, Z., Pu, X., He, W., Tang, Q., Fu, S., Li, G., Long, L., Guo, H., Sun, J., Liu, A. and Hu, C*. (2021). An inverting TENG to realize the AC mode based on the coupling of triboelectrification and air-breakdown. Energy & Environmental Science 14 , 5395-5405 .
15. Du, Y., Tang, Q., He, W., Liu, W., Wang, Z., Wu, H., Li, G., Guo, H., Li, Z., Peng, Y. and Hu, C*. (2021). Harvesting ambient mechanical energy by multiple mode triboelectric nanogenerator with charge excitation for self-powered freight train monitoring. Nano Energy 90 .
16. Li, G., Fu, S., Luo, C., Wang, P., Du, Y., Tang, Y., Wang, Z., He, W., Liu, W., Guo, H., Chen, J. and Hu, C*. (2022). Constructing high output performance triboelectric nanogenerator via V-shape stack and self-charge excitation. Nano Energy 96 .
17. Shan, C., He, W., Wu, H., Fu, S., Tang, Q., Wang, Z., Du, Y., Wang, J., Guo, H*. and Hu, C*. (2022). A High-Performance Bidirectional Direct Current TENG by Triboelectrification of Two Dielectrics and Local Corona Discharge. Advanced Energy Materials.
18. Fu, S., He, W., Tang, Q., Wang, Z., Liu, W., Li, Q., Shan, C., Long, L., Hu, C*. and Liu, H*. (2022). An Ultra-robust and High-Performance Rotational Hydrodynamic Triboelectric Nanogenerator Enabled by Automatic Mode Switching and Charge Excitation. Advanced Materials 34 .
19. Tang, Q., Wang, Z., Chang, W., Sun, J., He, W., Zeng, Q., Guo, H*. and Hu, C*. (2022). Interface Static Friction Enabled Ultra-Durable and High Output Sliding Mode Triboelectric Nanogenerator. Advanced Functional Materials.
20. Wu, H., He, W., Shan, C., Wang, Z., Fu, S., Tang, Q., Guo, H., Du, Y., Liu, W*. and Hu, C*. (2022). Achieving Remarkable Charge Density via Self-Polarization of Polar High-k Material in a Charge-Excitation Triboelectric Nanogenerator. Advanced Materials 34 .
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